Interview: MEUTE

Meute play Prague’s ROXY next month (April 6th). We chatted a bit about their recent activities and also bring you the news that there are fery few tickets left now.
You recently posted a video from a street in Portugal where you play. How did this happen?
We just went on the street and started playing 🙂
Which other cover versions, apart from The Man With The Red Face (by Laurent Garnier), do you like to play?
Of course we love every single version and every single note!
How long does it take for your band to succesfully put together a song?
It takes a long time. We are still working on it – it never stops.
3 places we should see in Hamburg?
Golden Pudel Club, Park Fiction, Karo Viertel.
What do you always carry with you when you tour, apart from your instruments?
A Boom Box for listening to music.
Best reaction to your music?
Smiling and/or crying.
What is great about living in Germany?
Not sure. Obviously it’s not the weather.
What is the project “Pfand gehört daneben” – is it giving returnable bottles next to the trash bins so other can use them as source of money?
Yes it is: And it makes it really easy to help other people.
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