Book tip: Giles Milton – Nathaniel’s Nutmeg

Most of us know that spices were an important commodity in human history and that the spice business was more than just shopping for tasty treats. However, the history of the spice trade is far more dramatic—and even bloody—than we might have imagined.
Nathaniel’s Nutmeg: How One Man’s Courage Changed the Course of History is a fascinating and dense read about how the quest to secure a supply of nutmeg influenced history. The text draws from original letters, journals, and personal diaries, and the language reflects the profound impact these sources had on the author.
British writer and journalist Giles Milton (born in 1966) has contributed articles to most of the British national newspapers and specializes in the history of exploration. He doesn’t just share fascinating knowledge but also takes readers on an expansive, if perilous, adventure into uncharted waters.
We promise you’ll think of this book every time you cook with nutmeg—and in other moments, too.

Sajith Erattupetta, CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
About the book, by the publisher:
„The legendary story of how one man’s actions led to the birth of New York – and the beginning of the British Empire.
In 1616, English adventurer Nathaniel Courthope stepped ashore on a remote island in the East Indies on a secret mission – to persuade the islanders of Run to grant a monopoly to England over their nutmeg, a fabulously valuable spice. This infuriated the Dutch, who were determined to control the world’s supply. For five years Courthope and his band of thirty men were besieged by a force one hundred times greater. His heroism set in motion a series of events that led to England owning Manhattan, culminating in the creation of New York and the launch of the British Empire.“
Back cover text:
„The tiny island of Run is an insignificant speck in the middle of the Indonesian archipelago, remote, tranquil, and now largely ignored. At the beginning of the seventeenth century, however, Run’s harvest of nutmeg turned it into the most lucrative of the Spice Islands, precipitating a fierce and bloody battle between the all-powerful Dutch East India Company and a small band of ragtag British adventures led by the intrepid Nathaniel Courthope. The outcome of the fighting was one of the most spectacular deals in history: Britain ceded Run to Holland but in return was given Manhattan.
A brilliant adventure story of unthinkable hardship, savagery, the navigation of uncharted waters, and the exploitation of new worlds, Nathaniel’s Nutmeg is a remarkable chapter in the history of the colonial powers.“
Author’s book page:
The Czech version is called Plavby za bohatstvím: Boj o souostroví muškátového oříšku.
Published: 2001 , Brána , Knižní klub
Translated by: Josef Pavlíček
ISBN: 80-242-0606-4, 80-7243-127-7